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Application publications for users:

M. Forster, J. O. Watson: "B3 User Manual", Fluxus Technology Ltd, Clare, England,, 1998, revised 1999.

M. Forster, J.O. Watson: "Boundary-Elemente zur leichten Berechnung von Spannungsintensitaetsfaktoren", DVM-Bericht 231, S.89-98, DVM-Tagung Darmstadt 1999

Rudolph J, Weiss E, Forster M. "Konzeptkonforme Modellierung ermüdungsgefährdeter Druckbehälterschweißnähte als Modul einer modernen rechnerischen Lebensdauerabschätzung", Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2001, ISBN 3-8265-8407-4

Forster M. "Datenreparaturtool CADfix als Preprocessor für BEM-Software B3", in "Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Druckgerätedimensionierung", Weiss E (Editor), Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2001, ISBN 3-8265-9516-5

Methods textbook for teachers and students:

G. Beer, J. O. Watson, " Introduction to Finite and Boundary Element methods for Engineers", John Wiley & Sons, Chichester / New York / Brisbane / Toronto / Singapore, 1992

Major research publications:

J.C. Lachat, J.O. Watson: "A second generation boundary integral equation program for three dimensional elastic analysis", ASME AMD Vol 11, 1975, pp.85-100

J.C. Lachat, J.O. Watson: "Effective numerical treatment of boundary integral equations", Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng. 10, 1976, pp.991-1006

J.O. Watson: "Advanced implementation of the boundary element method for two and three dimensional elastostatics", Developments in Boundary Element Methods - 1 (Editors P.K. Banerjee and R. Butterfield), Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1979, pp.31-63

J.O. Watson: "Quadratic and singular boundary elements for cracks and notches in three dimensions", IUTAM Symposium, Krakow 1999